Archive for: November, 2019

Pondering words from the sacrament hymn.

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We got to church earlier enough to sit in the chapel, which is a pretty big achievement for our family. These words from the sacrament hymn stood out to me.

The mark of the modern apostate…

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These verses from Helaman 13 are an important warning for us to consider when we want to identify modern apostates and false prophets. i.e. Denver Snuffer, John Dehlin, Kate Kelly, etc. 25 And now when ye talk, ye say: If our days had been in the days of our fathers of old, we would not […]

A humorous thought, or strong lesson?

Published under: Uncategorized.

I opened the Gospel Library app during sacrament meeting. It opened to the middle of 3 Nephi 12, which is a record of Christ giving a sermon to those in America very similar to the Sermon on the Mount, and began reading at the point that was displayed already on the screen… 46… and pray […]